21 Days. Reset TO Reconnect

Get out of your rut &
step into your transformation

The moment you decide, your life starts to shift.



Watch the Manifestation BS Masterclass



Is this you?

Feeling stuck? Like you’ve lost touch with who you really are? Going through the motions but you know something is missing?

If this resonates, it’s time for a reset. Let’s get real—it's not just about wishing for change; it's about taking action and reconnecting with YOU.

Start your journey

Welcome to the 21 Day Reset and Reconnect Program

This isn’t just another program; it’s a transformative journey over the next 21 days.

You’ve got me by your side, guiding you to reset your nervous system, investigate your blocks, and learn to truly love yourself.

It’s time to shine a light on what you’re choosing every day—because that’s where the magic happens.


Join the 21 Day Reset & Reconnect Program

What you'll experience

  • Daily Practices: Simple yet powerful exercises designed to help you reconnect with your inner self and reignite your passion for life.

  • LIVE Lessons: Three live sessions where we’ll dig deep, learn together, and implement the strategies you need to shift your mindset and energy.

  • Mindset Shifts: Forget the toxic positivity. We’ll tackle the real stuff and equip you with tools to see possibilities where you once saw limitations.

  • Energy Alignment: Learn how to align your energy with your goals, creating a clear path toward the life you truly desire.

  • Support and Community: You’re not alone! Connect with a supportive group of like-minded individuals who are also on this journey of transformation.

  • BONUS: 7 Day FREE trial of The School of MiSELF.

Who Is This Program For?

The 21 Day Reset and Reconnect Program is perfect for anyone ready to break free from feeling stuck and move toward their dreams.

Whether you want to improve your relationships, career, health, or simply feel more connected to yourself, this program will give you the tools and guidance you need.

Join now!

What's included



  • 21 Days of Content: Daily guidance, exercises, and support to keep you on track.

  • Personal Reflection Workbook: A downloadable workbook to track your progress and deepen your self-discovery.

  • Weekly Live Q&A Sessions: Join me live to learn, ask questions, share experiences, and get personalised guidance.


Get 40% off for this first round!

Are You Ready to Transform Your Life? 

The program starts on the first Monday of the month, and I’m offering this at an introductory price of just $180 for three weeks of coaching and community support!


Select Your Pricing


3 weekly payments

$90/month for 3 weekly


Full payment



Meet Rayne Bryant, the founder of The School of MiSELF.

Rayne has had a genuine love and connection with energy work for the past 20 years. Her studies have included Reiki, meditation, subconscious manifestation, mindfulness, psychic work as well as courses through Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now, and Explosive Expansion programs.

The past 25 years have seen her move through many incredible life experiences and it's from this place that she has put together intuitive counseling, energy work, and programs to help humans elevate and connect to their authenticity and higher self. 

Rayne was born with a desire to help people grow and support them to intentionally go after the life they deserve. 

MiSELF or the School of MiSELF, its staff, and content-providers are not licensed medical care providers and are not rendering personal medical advice or treatment.

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