Align & Elevate 10 week foundations Program

Are you ready to let go of FEAR and start living your DREAM LIFE?

Align & Elevate is a 8 week foundations program teaching you step by step how to stop letting fear, people pleasing and triggers rule your life so you can live happier, more connected and manifest the relationships, career, lifestyle you truly desire.


Watch the Masterclass Replay below:

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Does this sound familiar? 

  • You know you should have the confidence to make change but there's only one problem, you're scared of judgement and you fear that change is too hard
  • You know you're destined for more but you find yourself prioritising other people's needs and putting yourself last
  • You know that something has to change in your life but you're feeling so overwhelmed you don't know where to start
  • You've tried to read the self help books and listen to *all* the podcasts but you don't know how to implement them and feel like you're getting no where
Living a life with purpose and passion is your birthright, but the choice is up to you.


Stepping through the fear is hard until you can't cope with the pain anymore...

Imagine what your life would look like if you could...

  • Embrace the change feeling true contentment and peace within yourself (and stop looking for the 'next thing') 
  • Find what motivates you to create the life you want.
  • Be confident, connected  and thriving in your relationships
  • Let go of the fear of judgement and be your authentic self
  • Heal your past so it doesn't show up in your present and future
  • Be satisfied and motivated in your career, not just hanging out for the weekend
  • Manifest the life you ACTUALLY want for yourself

Here's the truth:

Take ownership of your healing & your growth

You don't have to be run by the same hypnotic programming that is creating your current reality day in and day out. There's so much more joy and freedom you can experience and it doesn't have to cost you your life. You just have to say YES to meeting your most aligned and authentic self.  


Align & Elevate

8 week foundations program designed to get you out of your own way and create the life you were meant for. 

Proven Roadmap

The modules are designed to take you on a journey from stuck and in fear to motivated and thriving. They are specially curated to move you through a step by step process. 

Weekly Masterclass

Each week we meet LIVE on Zoom where I take you through the weeks content and coach you through anything that's coming up. I share my journey and process and a Q&A.

Private Community

Support via Voxer is available to you everyday to share tools, tips, questions, breakthroughs and breakdowns. It's a safe, like minded group with access to Rayne for all your needs.

Meditations and Tools

Changing belief systems and conditionings is a huge part of the journey so you will have access to tools like bi-neural beat meditations and mindset practices to support you.

By the end of the program you'll learn how to:

  • Let go of the limiting beliefs and conditioning that has been keeping you stuck and playing small
  • Rediscover your core values and reconnect with your authentic self
  • Feel confident in yourself and your abilities
  • Have a strong understanding of the laws of attraction and manifestation
  • Actually GO AFTER and MANIFEST the career, relationship and life you truely DESIRE. 

"Some people come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime. You Rayne are all of these. My REASON was me, me SEASON was the next stage in my life, and through our connection in our container we made connections for a LIFETIME. For all that you have done for me through your realness and authenticity and getting into the nitty gritty right along side us all, THANK YOU"

Rochelle, Past Align & Elevate Student

Here's what you'll learn

Your roadmap to high self-worth.

The modules...


How to know what you truly want in life.


Connecting with your authenticity.



Letting go of beliefs and conditionings.


Triggers judgments and people pleasing.


Limiting beliefs and thought patterns.


Increase confidence and self-worth.


Aligning YOU to your authentic life.
Law of attraction and manifestation.

If not now then when?

A life full of joy and freedom...

  • Reconnect with yourself and have unshakable self-worth.
  • Know what you want and how to go after it.
  • Learn to be at peace with your life as it is.
  • Cultivate incredible connections in relationship.
  • Unapologetically manifest the life you truly desire.

 "Align & Elevate was the missing piece to a very big puzzle. I honestly feel the work I've done with you and the 1:1's has been what's brought it all together. Than you for helping me understand what I want and be brave enough to go after it."


"Rayne has literally changed my life and I will be forever grateful for this experience. I

am healing past traumas and for the first time in many years I'm excited for my future."


Ready to change your life for the better?
Choose your payment plan:

Pay in Full


  • 2 x 1:1 coaching sessions
  • Modules and worksheets
  • Bi-neural beat meditations 
  • LIVE Masterclasses and replays 
  • Community group for support 

4 MONTHLY payments of

$590 (150/wk)

  • 2 x 1:1 coaching sessions
  • Modules and worksheets
  • Bi-neural beat meditations 
  • LIVE Masterclasses and replays 
  • Community group for support

Meet your teacher

Hi, I'm Rayne


I'm a Reiki Therapist & Personal Success Coach. 

Over the past 4 years, I've helped hundreds of people achieve their own personal transformation. 

Using energetics, science, education, knowledge and actionable tools, I give people the power to transform and take ownership of their healing and their lives. 

If you know you want more for yourself, if you know something needs shifting, if you know you need to let go to manifest the life you desire, I'm here and ready to help you transform your life.

I've navigated out of huge rock bottoms...


It wasn't too long ago that I felt totally lost, like life had abandoned me. I remember a New Year's lunch where I was asked, 'What do you want to achieve this year'? I was so triggered that I just broke down in tears. I had no answers, I was overwhelmed and felt stuck. 

I didn't know what I wanted or what lit me up. I felt so off my path and I didn't know where to turn. 

I knew I had to face some hard truths if I wanted to feel myself again, so I got to work. 

This is possible for you too.

Your path to your personal freedom

1. Join Align & Elevate

Click the enrolment button and follow the checkout steps. In minutes, you'll get an email will your login details.

2. Dive in and take action

Book your first 1:1 session with me and get immediate access to the workbook to start your journey today.

3. Manifesting your desires

Finally feel confident to achieve your goal. From this topic to this topic, you'll learn everything you need to succeed. 


This is for you if:

  • You've had enough and are ready for drastic change 
  • You want stronger, authentic connections in your life. 
  • You are overwhelmed and unmotivated. 
  • You want to live your life on purpose and with intention

This isn't for you if:

  • You want to continue blaming others for your reality. 
  • You aren't going to show up and do the work. 
  • You want to hold onto unworthiness and programming that runs your current reality. 

"Never before have I felt more present and grateful in my daily life as I learnt to stop reacting to events around me and learned to turn inwards, reflect and trust myself.

I now know I have everything I need inside of me"


"Life changing is an understatement. With Rayne’s gentle guidance I learned more about myself in Align & Elevate than ever before. She help me find the clarity, strength and power to change some long standing behavioural patterns and emotional responses which simply didn’t serve me anymore."


Are you ready to say yes to the real you and achieve these amazing results for your life?

The only things standing in your way is you. The universe guided you here for a reason. Follow your intuition and say yes to starting your personal freedom journey with me. It would be my honour to serve you. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Real talk, 

If not now, then when?

Don't wake up 6 months from now in the same place, with the same triggers, still feeling stuck and lost.

Don't keep holding on to the fear that keeps you playing small

You are worth more then that, your life is worth more that just existing.

Here's what's waiting for you when you choose to step in:

  • Fulfilment
  • Purpose
  • Confidence
  • Freedom
  • Motivation
  • Connection

“Now that I'm feel my worth I know I deserve better and know that I'm strong enough to make things happen for myself, the barriers were there for safety. I don't need that anymore. I can pull those barriers aside because I'm happy to stand in who I am and what I've gone through. And I'm really grateful for that.”


"I have been trying to think of the right words to express how Align & Elevate has helped me grow.

It feels like it was the missing piece to a very big puzzle I have been trying to put together for some time. 

So Thank You."


Ready to achieve your goal? Choose your payment plan:

Pay in Full


  • 2 x 1:1 coaching sessions
  • Modules and worksheets
  • Bi-neural beat meditations 
  • LIVE Masterclasses and replays 
  • Community group for support 

4 payments of

$590 ($150/wk)

  • 2 x 1:1 coaching sessions
  • Modules and worksheets
  • Bi-neural beat meditations 
  • LIVE Masterclasses and replays 
  • Community group for support